That Photographer...

A sweet Mom and I were talking the other day. I was sharing with her about this new adventure in photography.

She shared with me that she has been looking for a 'new' photographer because 'hers' was too expensive now. She said I want a decent photographer that has reasonable prices.

My response: I am THAT photographer.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Japan Mission Trip Fundraiser

Hey everyone,

I will be going on a mission trip to Osaka Japan in June!

I am selling some of my favorite shots to raise money for this mission trip.

I am excited to serve the Lord in this very special way. Also excited to be taking my first ever mission trip! WOW! God saved me 11 years ago and I never thought I would be going to Japan! But praise GOD for the opportunities to share Jesus and to be His hands and feet to these precious people and their families.

Mark 16:15

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

I will be bringing a journal to record my experience as well as my camera! I cannot wait to share all that God will do between now and then and in Japan!

Below are a few of the photos I am selling!

If you would like information on buying prints please contact me at

Please share this with your friends!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful opportunity! Never been to Japan but was born in Korea before being adopted to the USA. My Mom & I are hoping too go to India some day where my sister-in-law's parent's live (they're not Christians, my sister-in-law has a strong faith towards Christianity though and attends church faithfully with her husband-my brother and her 2 children). We'll be the first ones to know when she does become a Christian.




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