That Photographer...

A sweet Mom and I were talking the other day. I was sharing with her about this new adventure in photography.

She shared with me that she has been looking for a 'new' photographer because 'hers' was too expensive now. She said I want a decent photographer that has reasonable prices.

My response: I am THAT photographer.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

~~My family~~

These little ones hold a big piece of my heart! They are my sister's "littles".

My youngest nephew has down's syndrome and he is having heart surgery soon. That's tough to face BUT GOD has already been hard at work in this sweet boy. See they expected him to have had 3 surgeries by 1  and instead he's facing his first one! PRAISE THE LORD! Please pray for him and his family as they prepare for it.

 "God, you've got this" ~my sister says that all the time. I remember when A was born and they found out he had the heart condition common with DS. She told me:  I responded with "Oh sis, I'm praying" to which she responded "Gods got this"! And indeed HE does! He has already "astounded" the doctors -- that happens to be the very thing my sister prayed over him! That he would astound doctors and Praise the Lord He has!

That beautiful blonde haired blue eyed princess is as girly as they come! She loves all things girly! Recently we were at a camp ground and I went down the waterslide with her and she did NOT want to get her hair wet. So she hopped on my lap promptly put her hands over her hair and down we went! Then a "prince" that was there went down with her and instead of her covering her own hair HE covered her hair for her!

My other nephew (the one not pictured here) is quite the guy's guy! He likes boots, and dirt and playing rough. In his eyes he is the toughest dude around and I LOVE that! He spent the week with us not long ago and we had a blast hanging out with him. We went to the USS Alabama where we toured the ship, a submarine and lots of aircraft. Then we went to the beach and had some fun in the sun! He proved to be super helpful on chore day and he loves the water! I guess b/c he swims like a fish!


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